Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Extreme Networking

Come to a complementary Extreme Networking event at Cheney Stadium, hosted by Rainier Connect. You have two opportunities to join in.

June 25, 6:00 p.m.
Tacoma Rainiers vs. Las Vegas 51s

July 23, 5:00 p.m.
Tacoma Rainiers vs. Sacramento River Cats

The night will begin with a presentation on social networking by Brad Stutz, AMS Technology. He'll give tips and suggestions for implementing a social networking program in your business.

And, you get to stay for the game!

Register today by visiting Rainier Connect or by contacting your local Rainier Connect sales representative.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

SST 2009 Early Days

Community planning has begun for the 2009 South Sound Technology conference. Initial thoughts are for a full day structure with a lunch keynote and possibly a morning keynote as well.

The first half of the day it has been suggested we discuss energy and technology and the second half of the day a discussion of whether there are clusters in the South Sound. Given we have a finite number of tech companies in the area and many of them work in data integrity, information assurance and security it could be a type of Summit for them.
A re-established website is up to begin the collection of potential attendees. Visit for inclusion.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Payback for Angel Investing

At the Members meeting of the TacomaAngel Network on Wednesday June 10, guest speaker, Professor Rob Wiltbank, revealed his landmark study of Angel Investor Investment Returns in the US and Britain and how they compare to those of Venture Capitalists.

Angel Investors are private individuals who give of their time and money to help new growth companies in ways similar to VC’s, but generally do so at an earlier stage, and for smaller amount than do Venture Capitalists.

Some of his findings:
  • Poor returns come back quickly, while big returns can take longer—about 56% of investments returned under 1 times the investment in less than 1 year, about 34% returned from 1 to 5 times the initial investment in about 3 years, 7% returned 5 to 30 times in just under 5 years, and an additional 3% returned over 30 times in about 6 years.

  • This produced an average a portfolio weighted return of about 27% which compared favorably to the British 22% and the VC returns of 17% and 15% respectively, before and after fees respectively. The presentation also included a series of returns improving guidelines derived from the study.
Rob also shared key principles from his new and highly praised book on Catalytic Leadership. He was also available to talk one on one with guests and for book signings after the session.

Rob Wiltbank (right) receiving a TacomaAngel Network Pad-folio from Founding Co-chair Larry Kopp (left) in remembrance of his talk.
Rob Wiltbank is Professor of Strategic Management at Willamette University—at the Atkinson Graduate School of Management, a Batten Fellow, and partner of Buerk Dale Victor, a growth stage venture capital fund based in Seattle, Washington. His ground- breaking research includes the first empirical examination of the outcomes achieved by angel investors, and the role of entrepreneurial expertise in decision making

Hansen Passes the Torch

Bjorne Hansen, the TacomaAngel Network Screening Committee Chair was honored before the group of 50 including TAN members, UWT Institute of Technology faculty and Tacoma & Pierce County economic development dignitaries with a commemorative plaque in honor of his exemplary service from 2008 to 2009.
TAN Co-founder Larry Kopp (l) honors Bjorne Hansen as incoming Screening Committee Chair Diane Dolstad presents his plaque. TAN Co-founder John Dimmer (r) looks on during TAN's June meeting.

During the past year, Hansen’s Screening Committee reviewed hundreds of new NW companies, individually scored almost 100 from among those applying for funding to select the almost 50 which were interviewed and coached in person by the full Committee.

Of these, 23 were selected by the Committee to present to the full TacomaAngel Network membership at the monthly meetings such as the one this Wednesday. Since its inception in 2006, members of the non-profit TacomaAngel Network have invested over $3 million in new companies as a result of these presentation forums, and the selection and coaching provided by the TAN Screening Committee.

Hansen will remain on the Screening Committee as an active member. Applications to TAN are only accepted on its website. Its next meeting is scheduled for September 9, 2009.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cyber Threats Hare Raising

With the assessment by the GAO (glad someone's accountable) that the nation's information security is "at risk" from cyber threats, also comes an assessment on how difficult it is to do non-kinetic cyber activity, like shooting behind the rabbits.

Maj. Gen. William Lord, commander of the USAF Cyber Command (Provisional), statement that: it is easier to get approval to do a kinetic (read "bomb") strike with a 2,000 lb. bomb than it is for us to do a non-kinetic (no "boom!") cyber activity. Lord, who has been nominated to become the AF Chief of Warfighting Integration was speaking to an industry association recently.

The Cyberspace Policy Review is a 76-page report released with a White House announcement that the president will be creating a new cybersecurity office and czar, as well as a privacy and civil liberties official to oversee the government’s cybersecurity plans. The cybersecurity report provides a list of wide-ranging guidelines advising President Barack Obama on how the government should proceed in its national plan to secure cyberspace.

It touches on everything from establishing communication networks for emergency response teams to the role government should play in the protection of critical infrastructure networks and whether or not entities that experience a breach should have to notify governments and law enforcement agencies. Privacy and civil liberties concerns receive a repeated nod, with privacy being mentioned in the report more than five dozen times.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

When You Turn 50, Good to be No. 1

For celebrants for Alaska's 50th anniversary of statehood, today's release by the U.S. Census that it is actually #1 - in an unexpected category, deserves attention.

While Alaska ranks second among states for rate (78%) of home Internet access, Alaska led the nation in people who actually access the Internet from any location (home, work, public access), at 76.1%. By comparison, Washington state was fourth (75.7%) in the first category and third (73.4%) in the second category. The national average was 67% for home Internet access.

These figures come from the 2007 Internet and Computer Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey. Look there for a much more extensive database on computer and Internet usage.